Monday, November 24, 2008


All of you will take off this week for the lovely festivities of Thanksgiving.

oh how i would love to do the same. However it is not to be.

I have this week and next week before EXAMINATIONS start. then chirstmas holidays.

However i refuse to let thanksgiving pass unmarked so i have planed to cook a full feast for my family, in our tiny kitchen, this saturday!

I hope it will go well. though i'm really not sure. It should be fun in general.
Sunday is the Gala Dinner for AFS. Then back to school and insanity.

Today was very interesting. the first half was boring. But at lunch I met a girl from the school next to mine. She used to go to my school an knew the exchange students who had gone to my school before me. that was interesting.

Then after lunch i had Tripple english were my teacher decided to show us a movie.

Little Ms. Sunshine!
I love that movie and i'd forgotten how good it is. all the other students liked it too.

However i dont' think tomorrow will be quite as fun as today. but one can hope.

life roll's on. nothing HUGE in the way of developments here.

I spent the weekend hanging out with the exchange students. It was David's birthday so we all went ice skating.

hope your all well


1 comment:

MWR said...

That's funny! I was just thinking about Little Miss Sunshine, and how I really wanted to see it again. There are some really funny parts of that movie! Interesting choice for a Christian HS in Hong Kong, however. What did the girl from the school across the street say about your school?