Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Lul in packing

My socks are in the dryer and the last thing's i want to add to my Ipod are downloading...
So I thought I'd throw something up here while I have a minute...

Jessica Lea Mayfeild is AMAZING... I found her music through Kexp if you like Lucinda Williams you'll lover her... same sort of vain.
photo by joshua black wilkins

Strange to think I'm leaving home but I've been dwelling on that for a long time now so I'm going to move on...

I wonder what Hong Kong will be like. I can't wait to get there. I seems strange that I'll get there and a week later i'll be in school. Just like everyone here.

I wonder how crazy different it will be? or if it will be all the same stuff in a different language... We will see we will see...

Peace out... I need to go pair socks...

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