Monday, September 29, 2008

Casual Tuesday

Tomorrow is Causal dress day at school. I had to give them 20 dollars (hk so it's 2.50) which apparently is going to charity. never the less the fact that you have to give the school money to be able to wear normal clothes or for air conditioner fee's is very very strange to me...

Anywho.. I just got through another amazing weekend! I went to a Birthday party with the other exchange students... It was for Nelson's sister. (Nelson was one of the first friends) soo all the exchange student's hung out ONCE AGAIN! it was awesome... there were these little speaker things so I put on my music for everyone... me and the other kids spent a lot of time flipping through my Ipod saying "I LOVE THEM" and "HAVE YOU HEARD OF" it was a good time had by all...

Sunday I was going to go see a friend play a show... but my host family told me at noon that my support contact was coming over... so I told my friends I had to bail and went out to buy school book's.... Ozgur the Turk* showed up he happened to be on HK island so we hung out for a while...


I met with my support contact and told her everything was going dandy, and that leaves me at today...

Today was more school, P.E. where I played basket ball and realized I've forgotten completely how to shoot a basket ball, and closing the day with triple Math's... I caught up on some reading I've been meaning to do....

Paperwork here is like a religion. I keep getting thing's for my parents to sign even 1 month into the school year. I applied for a library card... but that needed to be revised because it needed a photo copy of my gaurenteer's HKID card. I tryed to get My Student MTR Card Today and they wanted a photo so they wouldn't take it... anywho...
it'll all get done....

You guy's keep on surviving.


It says "that's where I live if you where wondering" click the picture if you want to see it bigger...

It's the same picture as the blog header...

1 comment:

BDog said...

Words of wisdom:
1) Stay away from the White Rabbit candy and the Cadbury eggs.
2) Avoid dairy.
3) Beware of Chinese made recliners which give you a burning rash.
That's it for now... more updates to come. Sounds like you're having an entertaining time... post more pictures. Maybe of.... lanterns... it's been awhile since I've seen a good lantern photo.
